Partial dentures are ideal for replacing a few teeth in your mouth if you miss them for any reason but have healthy teeth in your jaw that don't require you to get complete dentures for the missing teeth. Partial dentures are gum-colored or acrylic plates holding one or more fake teeth.
If you miss a couple of teeth, you may seek replacements from the dentist’s office near you to compensate for the loss. You find it beneficial to discuss your needs with the dentist seeking advice on which solution best suits your needs because there are different types of partial dentures. The dentist suggests a solution after evaluating your mouth to determine what’s best for you. However, you also have a say in the choice of prosthetics you get.
Dentures suggest three different types of prosthetics when looking for partial dentures. They are:
This is a variety where the dentist fixes replacement teeth on a pink acrylic base. You might think the gum-colored base is bulky and thick, but it is to minimize the risk of damage. Acrylic partials have metal clasps to connect to the natural teeth. The bulkiness might be a hindrance, although the partials enable you to meet and speak comfortably. Furthermore, the metal clasps are visible when you open your mouth, which some patients might find awkward.
Dentists generally use acrylic partials as a temporary option while waiting for a permanent alternative like cast metal partials. Therefore acrylic partials are relatively affordable, and if you find them comfortable, the prosthetic might function for a few years.
The most common option our dentist in Boynton Beach, FL, suggests is a cast metal partial denture. These prosthetics comprise a rigid and ultra-thin metal base with a set of acrylic teeth. Metal clasps help this prosthetic attach to your existing teeth. However, when you consider this option, you can also have precision attachments that are more aesthetically pleasing than metal clasps. In addition, when cared for appropriately, cast metal partials are incredibly durable.
Flexible partial dentures are an excellent option if you find cast metal or acrylic partials uncomfortable or are allergic to hypoallergenic materials. This prosthetic comprises a thin thermoplastic material that is lightweight and molded with injections to fit precisely over the gum tissue. The tissue attachment provides the durability of this option. The appearance of fixed partials is natural without using regular metal clasps and is the preferred method for high-level comfort.
Gum-colored clasps are used in flexible partial dentures, unlike metal clasps in acrylic or cast metal partials. The dentist fixes thin clasps between your teeth to make distinguishing between your partials and your natural teeth challenging. In addition, the materials used to make flexible partials are hypoallergenic, making dentists recommend this solution for patients allergic to nickel or denture monomers. Unfortunately, due to the process involved in the production, repairing or relining flexible partials is challenging, making it necessary for you to seek replacements with new flexible partials if you damage them.
As mentioned earlier, while you have the option to choose between the three varieties described, you help yourself by seeking advice from the Boynton Beach dentist. The choice of suitable partials depends on your specific situation. During your consultation, our Boynton Beach dentist reviews your options and overall well-being to determine which solution best suits your needs. Therefore you help yourself by scheduling an appointment with the professional to discuss your specific needs after looking at all three options that help replace your missing teeth.
Do not consider dentures, whether complete or partial, inferior because dentistry advances and technology have made these prosthetics better than ever to function like your natural teeth. You will likely encounter some challenges when you start wearing these dental prosthetics. However, your provider gives you good advice on caring for and managing them. Most importantly, they help replace the missing teeth to close the yawning gaps between your natural teeth, making it awkward for you to smile or speak with people. Therefore if you need partial dentures discussing your requirements with the Boynton Beach dentist provides you with the best advice on getting replacement teeth.
Quantum Dental provides different types of partials as replacements for missing teeth. If you currently face this challenge, kindly do not hesitate to contact our practice to get partial dentures in Boynton Beach!