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Dentists Are Tooth Protectors: Why Do They Recommend Tooth Extractions

December 1, 2020
Dentists are indeed protectors of your teeth. However, they often confront situations beyond their control and require them to suggest tooth extractions even from healthy mouths. For example, teenagers often approach them with wisdom teeth that have either emerged at an angle or are entirely impacted and lying below the gum line. In such cases, dentists have little option but to recommend tooth extraction to ensure the safety of the teenager's oral health.
A man having severe tooth pain

Similarly, many people are affected by excessive tooth decay, infections, and crowding, requiring tooth extractions from the dentist in Boynton Beach. Overcrowded teeth are removed to make space for the other teeth to move into their correct positions, and infections eat into the jawbone of the patient causing immense harm to their overall health. Here again, dentists are left with little choice but to recommend extraction to maintain the oral and overall health of the patient.

Tooth extractions are also necessitated by chemotherapy, which people undergo to remedy against cancer besides other conditions where patients consider organ transplants who must have compromised teeth removed to keep their mouth healthy. As can be seen, dentists do not enjoy extracting teeth, but if required for the well-being of the patient’s oral and overall health, they decide in favor of the procedure even against their best judgment.

The Procedure for Tooth Extraction

The tooth extraction procedure is relatively straightforward, and it is either simple or surgical. The dentist near Boynton Beach 33426 determines the precise method after looking at whether the tooth is visible or impacted.

Simple extractions for visible teeth are performed in the dentist’s office by administering local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. Instruments called elevators to help the dentist to loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps.

Surgical extractions are involved and require the patient to receive intravenous and local anesthesia. The anesthetics calm and relax the patient, after which the dentist Boynton Beach, FL, makes incisions into the gums. Dentists may need to remove some bone or even cut the tooth into pieces before extracting it.

How to Approach the Tooth Extraction Procedure?

Tooth extractions are not performed at the drop of a hat, and when patients approach the Boynton dentist with a problematic tooth, x-rays of the tooth are taken to determine its location and whether it is impacted. The patient must provide all information regarding any medications they take, including supplements, herbs, and over-the-counter drugs. The dentist requires knowledge of any treatment the patient is undergoing with an intravenous drug bisphosphonate. In such cases, the extraction is performed immediately to ensure the patient’s jaw isn’t at risk for osteonecrosis.

The patient is responsible for providing the dentist all information about medical conditions like congenital heart defects, hypertension, damaged heart valves, impaired immune system, and a history of bacterial endocarditis. The dentist will want to ensure all conditions are stabilized or treated before performing the extraction.

What Happens Immediately After Tooth Extraction

The intensity of the procedure determines whether the patient can drive home soon after the extraction or must remain in the hospital until they have recovered from the anesthesia.

The dentist provides all instructions on managing the pain and discomfort after tooth extraction and advises the patient about the formation of a blood clot in the extraction site. The patient is informed that if the blood clot does not form or dislodges to expose the bone inside the socket, they should contact the dentist because they would be affected by a dry socket. In such cases, the dentist puts a sedative dressing to protect the area for a few days until new clot forms.

Recovery after Tooth Extraction

Recovery from a tooth extraction usually requires a few days. Patients can use the following tips to ensure they encounter no challenges during the healing and speed up the process.

Patients can use an ice pack on their cheeks to reduce swelling after tooth removal. The ice pack can remain on the cheeks for 10 minutes on and off. Patients must bite down on the gauze pad placed by the dentist over the extraction site. It helps to reduce bleeding and clot formation. The gauze pad must remain on the extraction site for three to four hours, by which time it would be soaked in blood.

Pain and discomfort are alleviated by over-the-counter or prescription drugs, and the patient must refrain from indulging in strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. Patients can begin brushing and flossing usually but avoid the extraction site. They must have a soft diet for a day after the procedure and gradually introduce regular foods into their diet. If the patient confronts any problem, they must contact the dentist performing the extraction for advice.

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